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Featuring celebrity guests
Chris Gillette & Ashley Lawrence
as seen on Animal Planet's hit
show Gator Boys
The Calusa Herpetological Society of Southwest Florida
Dedicated to Education, Conservation and Enjoyment of Reptiles and Amphibians
Our Herp Society consists of people from all walks of life who share a common interest in reptiles and amphibians.
We meet monthy, on the 1st Thursday, 7pm, at the Calusa Nature Center's Iona House. At this meeting we have a guest speaker who shares his or her specialty with us.
After enjoying the program, we all go out for a late dinner.
In addition, we meet on the 4th Thursday, 7pm, at Denny's on Daniels Parkway near I=75 to discuss upcoming events, potential speakers, etc. We welcome and encourage all participation.
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